Archive for the ‘Sex Panic’ Category

That Grand Jury Report on Abusive Catholic Priests

Thursday, September 6th, 2018

“As hard as this may be to read or hear, it must be understood. Common sense is now officially suspended when it comes to Catholic priests and sexual abuse. A moral panic has taken its place. It is especially painful – even catastrophic – when the Catholic media and the highest levels of Church governance suspend a search for truth and settle only for the fastest means to smother the fires of scandal. We have lost our way.”

The National Center for Reason and Justice believes in the innocence of Gordon MacRae and have been sponsoring his case for many years. Read his blog post about the current moral panic.

Also read this rebuttal of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report.

The Last Victim

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

“Thirty-three years ago, Fuster, along with his young wife, Ileana, was convicted of sexually abusing children at his suburban Florida home, where Ileana provided day care. He is the last person charged in the mass sex-abuse-in-day-care scares that made headlines from the 1980s to the mid ’90s to remain in prison. Part of a broader obsession with child sex abuse — therapist-induced repressed “memories” of incest destroyed thousands of families — the day-care cases were a modern version of the Salem witch trials of the 1690s, down to allegations of Satanic rituals by caregivers. They stand as a warning to those who look condescendingly at our Salem ancestors, incredulous that judges and public alike would believe girls writhing and shrieking that they were at that moment being pinched by the accused sitting far away in the dock.”

Read the article in National Review by Rael Jean Isaac.

Did California Authorities Suppress Research on Sexually Violent Predators?

Monday, August 6th, 2018

“State laws that allow sexually violent predators to be locked up even after they have served their sentences are based on questionable assumptions that they continue to pose a danger to society, according to a study published in the American Criminal Law Review.

“The study focused on California where, according to the authors, research indicating that sexually violent predators (SVPs) are less likely to re-commit crimes than other offenders was suppressed because it challenged the constitutional legitimacy of the state’s SVP laws.”

Read the article in The Crime Report.


Changing sex offender law needs to be evidence-based

Thursday, July 12th, 2018

John Brecher / NBC News

“The Boston Release Network, an organization that promotes public safety by helping returning citizens reintegrate into the community, notes that of the 59 individuals using their services, none have committed or even been arrested for a new sex offense. In fact, sex offenders have one of the lowest recidivism rates of all offenders — 87 percent of offenses committed each year are by first- time offenders, 93 percent committed against children are by people known to the child, and people over 60 have a 2 percent recidivism rate.”

The Boston Release Network, founded by my good friend Bill Canavan, does amazing work protecting the public.

Please read the excellent op-ed in the Boston Globe by Anthony Benedetti and Laurie Guidry.

Another Prison Post

Monday, July 9th, 2018

From my good friend Gunther Fiek:

Fidel Defensorem: Let Your Walk Be The Talk

Is Father Joseph Maurizio Innocent?

Sunday, July 8th, 2018

A while back I was contacted by supporters of a convicted Catholic priest, Father Joseph Maurizio. Subsequently, I exchanged a few letters with Father Joe.

I do not have the time or resources to vet his case myself. But I have heard enough to believe the conviction is dubious. I know innocent priests who have been sent to prison, so I don’t, like many, assume that all accused Catholic priests are guilty. But there has been so much horrendous publicity that is is nearly impossible for an accused priest to receive a fair trial.

His supporters have set up a web site. I’d be curious to hear what others think.

If you would like to send him a message, that can be done from the web site.

-Bob Chatelle



A New Prison Post From Gunther Fiek

Sunday, June 10th, 2018

The Heat is on

A Son Speaks Out (by Moses Farrow)

Monday, May 28th, 2018

To the actors who have worked with my father and have voiced regret for doing so: You have rushed to join the chorus of condemnation based on a discredited accusation for fear of not being on the “right” side of a major social movement. But rather than accept the hysteria of Twitter mobs, mindlessly repeating a story examined and discredited 25 years ago, please consider what I have to say. After all, I was there – in the house, in the room – and I know both my father and mother and what each is capable of a whole lot better than you.

To my sister Dylan: Like you, I believe in the power of speaking out. I have broken my silence about the abuse inflicted by our mother. My healing began only after getting away from her. And what she has done to you is unbearable. I wish you peace, and the wisdom to understand that devoting your life to helping our mother destroy our father’s reputation is unlikely to bring you closure in any kind of lasting way.

Finally, to my mother: One thing you always said you appreciated about me was my ability to listen. I listened to you for years and held your truth above all others. You once said to me, “It’s not healthy to hold onto anger.” Yet here we are, 26 years later. I’m guessing your next step will be to launch a campaign to discredit me for speaking out. I know it comes with the territory. And it’s a burden I am willing to bear.

But, after all this time, enough is enough. You and I both know the truth. And it’s time for this retribution to end.

Read the full blog post here.

Please Send Joseph Allen a Birthday Card

Saturday, May 19th, 2018

photo: jim d’entremont

May 29th is Joseph Allen’s birthday. Joseph is a dear friend and his is perhaps the most tragic case I have encountered. You can read about it here.

Here is Joseph’s prison address. A card from you would brighten his day!

Joseph Lee Allen #A293-486
Grafton Correctional Institution
2500 South Avon Beldon Road
Grafton, Ohio 44044-9802

Thank you!


Acquitted by a jury, but forced to register as a sex offender

Tuesday, May 1st, 2018

The Appellate Squawk blog, written by a New York attorney who specializes in criminal appeals, portrays the majority’s willingness to second-guess the jurors by crediting testimony they rejected as another example of the special rules that seem to apply in cases involving sex crimes. “Naturally the Court doesn’t admit that it moves the goalposts for sex cases,” it says. “But these days, when it comes to accusations of sexual misconduct, the standard of proof is that they were made. The Court is simply going with the flow—which, by definition, is downhill.”

Read the article by Jacob Sulium in Reason.