Archive for the ‘Sex Panic’ Category

Virginia Supreme Court Ruling Vindicates Activist

Monday, October 24th, 2022


The decision in Baughman v. Virginia ends the state’s efforts to civilly commit activist Galen Baughman as a ‘sexually violent predator’

In mid-September 2022 the Supreme Court of Virginia reversed a trial court decision and dismissed the Commonwealth’s petition to have Galen Baughman declared a sexually violent predator and confined in civil commitment.

Baughman is a gay man who was incarcerated for nine years for a sex offense conviction as a teenager. After his release, he became an advocate and was awarded a Soros Justice Fellowship in 2015 to campaign against the indefinite civil commitment of youth who are deemed to be “sexually violent predators.”

Virginia is one of 20 states that can indefinitely civilly commit people convicted of a sex-related crime after they have served their sentences, provided a court finds sufficient evidence to declare them a sexually violent predator. An SVP is defined as a person suffering from a psychological “abnormality” that predisposes him to commit a sexually violent offense. This is a “disorder” invented by legislators; it is not recognized by professional psychological associations. Civil commitment is preventive detention: incarceration for an offense that might happen in the future. It’s a violation of law going back to the Magna Carta, not to mention of fundamental human rights. SVP programs are touted as residential therapy. But they operate as prisons, except that the inmates have no release dates.

After Baughman’s incarceration, Virginia sought to civilly commit him as an SVP, but a jury determined he was not one, and he was released on supervised probation.

In 2016, because of a technical violation of his probation—exchanging non-sexual text messages with a teenage boy he met at a funeral—the Commonwealth of Virginia jailed Baughman and tried again to confine him indefinitely in civil commitment. A state-appointed psychologist examined him and found that he was not a sexually violent predator and was not at risk of reoffending. Unsatisfied by this report, the prosecution found an expert who would testify against Baughman. This “expert” did not interview Baughman. The state’s only evidence offered at trial, besides the prosecution’s “expert” testimony, referred to the offenses Baughman committed in 2003. Meanwhile, the judge did not allow the defense to mention the previous state-appointed expert’s assessment, to present its own expert testimony, or to hear the earlier jury’s determination that Baughman was not a sexually violent predator. This time the jury found him to be an SVP.

On appeal, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that the state had improperly engaged in expert shopping and vacated and reversed the lower court’s decision. Having spent years in jail on a technical violation, Baughman was finally exonerated.

The case is important in several ways. First, the Virginia Supreme Court made a clear and strong statement against the practice of expert shopping.  Second, the case revealed the deep homophobic bias embedded in the Orwellian civil commitment assessment process and in the drive to confine Baughman as a dangerous predator in the absence of credible evidence. In an amicus brief filed on behalf of LGBTQ+/HIV rights advocates and organizations in support of Baughman’s petition for appeal, the Center for HIV Law and Policy eloquently made this argument.

“This decision validates the main argument in our brief, that the lower court made errors due to the bias baked into the process of determining a person’s ‘future dangerousness’ in civil commitment proceedings,” said attorney Anne Kelsey, who was the lead author of the brief for CHLP. “Galen’s conduct was legal and the court agreed it was the persecution by the state of Virginia that crossed a line.”

Third, Baughman’s supporters brought Virginia’s unjust, punitive civil commitment program to the attention of state legislators, many of whom knew little about it. In 2021, two Virginia lawmakers introduced legislation to repeal the state’s civil commitment laws.

NCRJ joined CHLP’s brief, along with legal organizations including GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders (GLAD), Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ Equality (GLMA), the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), and Brad Sears, J.D. The National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys (NACDL) also filed an amicus brief in support of Galen’s appeal. A third amicus brief was filed by a group of law professors and issue-area experts.

Thanks to our friends at the Center for HIV Law and Policy for their work in support of Galen Baughman and also for their press release on his case, from which this article is adapted.

Justice Delayed for Father MacRae

Wednesday, October 12th, 2022


All this happened because “believe the children” became a nationwide mantra. Society has a duty to protect young children—but also to assess accusations rationally and fairly, especially when they’re improbable, spectacular and horrifying. Journalists, too, must maintain a level of skepticism when cases as improbable as these arise. Any reporter who covers the legal system should have recognized the high probability that these accusations were false.

Read the article by NCRJ Advisor Harvey Silverglate in the Wall Street Journal. Rebublished with their permission in Father MacRae’s blog, Beyond These Stone Walls.

The Empire Strikes Back!

Saturday, September 10th, 2022

photo credit:josh landes/wamc
A victory for corruption; a defeat for justice.

Following dominant victory over Harrington in Berkshire DA race, Shugrue thanks controversial legal mentor

“During those first weeks in March, I had the steadfast support of my good friend and mentor, who I think has been in my life for a good part of my legal career, one of the most respected judges in Massachusetts, Judge Daniel Ford,” he said. “Judge Daniel Ford can’t be here tonight because unfortunately he was not feeling well.”

Despite Shugrue’s compliments, Ford is infamous for his role in the prosecution of Bernard Baran in the 1980s. In 1984, Baran – an openly gay man from Lanesborough working at the Early Childhood Development Center in Pittsfield – was arrested on charges of child molestation. As First Assistant District Attorney, Ford secured Baran’s conviction on five counts of rape and five counts of indecent assault and battery. Decades later, an investigation into the trial found enough prosecutorial misconduct to overturn the conviction. The charges were dismissed in 2009, but only after Baran reported experiencing multiple sexual assaults while in prison.

Another of Ford’s convictions – that of Barry Jacobson, a Jewish Manhattan real estate broker accused of arson in the early 1980s – was overturned just this year due to faulty evidence and antisemitism among jurors. A 2014 Washington Post article went as far to ask in its headline “Why is Daniel Ford still a Massachusetts judge?” Ford retired in 2019.

Read the article by Josh Landes of WAMC.


Dying in Prison in the “Live Free or Die” state

Wednesday, July 13th, 2022

“Former NH detective James McLaughlin, the shady detective who was instrumental in pursuing lie after lie about Fr. Gordon MacRae sending him to a long prison term in 1994, was prominent on the Laurie List for “Falsification of Records” and/or evidence. Over 28 years of wrongful imprisonment in the New Hampshire State Prison, MacRae has consistently asserted that the case against him was built on lies, cheating and distortions aided and abetted by a dishonest police officer.”

Read the full article by Charlene C. Duline in Beyond These Stone Walls.

The NCRJ has bee sponsoring the case of Gordon Macrae for many years.

The Real Monsters

Friday, June 3rd, 2022

“Public and political support for registries remains high. There is little evidence that attitudes have been impacted by a growing body of research showing that public registration, community notification, and residency restrictions do not decrease the incidence of sexual offense. Rates of sexual re-offense have been low both before and after registries, and sex offenses have lower recidivism than almost all other crimes. Further, decades of data consistently show that the majority of sex offenses involve non-strangers and those without prior sex-offense convictions. In other words, there’s scant proof that sex offender registries make us any safer.”

Read the article by NCRJ Director Dr. Emily Horowitz in Inquest, published by the Institute to End Mass Incarceration, housed at Harvard Law School.

No Crime Wrongful Convictions

Saturday, May 28th, 2022

We invite you to watch this brief (about 15 minutes) TED talk on No Crime Wrongful Convictions.

The cases sponsored by the NCRJ all fall into this category. Thanks to Jordan Silverman for the tip.

Restorative Justice for Sex Offenses?

Wednesday, May 11th, 2022

On April 13, 2022. this important conference was held via Zoom.

Susannah Karin is a licensed social worker with over 20 years of experience in NYC’s criminal justice system. For the past nine years, she has been coordinating re-entry services for clients of the Center for Appellate Litigation, a public defender law firm that represents people at Sex Offender Risk Assessment hearings as well as people appealing their criminal convictions in New York and Bronx counties.

Journalist Judith Levine is author, with Erica R. Meiners, of The Feminist and the Sex Offender (Verso, 2020), which grapples with two interlocking problems: sexual and gender violence; and the state’s unjust, ineffective, and soul-destroying response to it. The book explores how to hold sexual harm-doers accountable without recourse to a criminal justice system that redoubles injuries, fails survivors, and retrenches the conditions that made such abuse possible. How can social justice movements work together to end all violence, both by individuals and the state?

Levine is also a board member of the National Center for Reason and Justice, as well as the author of four other books. She is currently a frequent contributor to The Intercept and Boston Review.

Sponsored by the St. Francis College Departments of Sociology & Criminal Justice
+ Women’s & Gender Studies

Two videos from an important conference

Saturday, April 30th, 2022

Bill Dobbs of The Dobbs Wire sent us links to videos of a conference that took place in St. Paul, Minnesota on April 8, 2022: the eighth annual Understanding and Responding to Mass Incarceration (URMI) Conference. This year’s conference focused on the Minnesota Sex Offender Program — almost certainly the worst in the nation.

People convicted of sex offenses in Minnesota, regardless of the offense, receive life sentences. Supposedly they can be released if they successfully complete “treatment.” But no one ever does.

Treatment that can’t be completed is treatment that doesn’t work. And treatment that doesn’t work is not treatment.

Here are the videos:

The Morning Session

The Afternoon Session

Restorative justice for sex offenders: Please join us

Saturday, April 9th, 2022

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Sunday, April 3rd, 2022

Dr. Bernard Rosenthal is a distinguished scholar and historian who is a leading expert on the Salem Witch Trials. While serving on the Board of Directors of the National Center for Reason and Justice, he became interested in the wrongful conviction in Lorain, Ohio of Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen.

Dr. Rosenthal befriended them both and spent years carefully researching the case.

Please read his just published book, Injustice in Ohio: The Wrongful Conviction of Allen and Smith.

Click here to order directly from the publisher.

The book is also available on Amazon.