Archive for the ‘Smith/Allen’ Category

Joseph Allen Still in Desperate Need of Help

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Twenty years ago, Joseph Allen and his co-defendant Nancy Smith were accused of terrible crimes that never happened. They were convicted in August of 1994. Joseph was sentenced to five consecutive life sentences.

Due to a sentencing error, they were released on bond in early 2009. In June of 2009, a judge who reviewed the evidence (more properly the lack of evidence) acquitted them both. Their long terrible nightmare was over.

Or so they thought. Relentless District Attorney Dennis Will filed an appeal to the Ohio Supreme Court, claiming the judge lacked the authority to acquit. Disgracefully, the Court, with the support of Will and Attorney General Richard Cordray, reinstated the convictions in 2010. (Cordray was later made head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau by Obama.)

I know of no other case where acquitted persons have had their convictions reinstated. So much for double jeopardy.

Smith and Allen have remained free but in legal limbo for nearly three years. The judge who acquitted them recused himself. (I suspect under pressure.) Joseph Allen will be back in court on June 5th for resentencing.

Smith and Allen have filed petitions for clemency. Joseph’s lawyer will ask the new judge to let Joseph remain free on bail while the clemency petition is pending. If the amount is again set for $100,000 the bond fee will be $10,000.

The National Center for Reason and Justice has a Prisoner Relief Fund, but we can’t spare $10,000. Recently I made an appeal here for donations to the fund. Thus far we have received over half of the amount needed. But if we don’t meet our goal, Joseph will go back to prison on June 5th — less than a month away.

Joseph became a good friend many years ago. We enjoy spending time with him when he is in Boston visiting family. I spoke with him this evening. He was encouraged by the progress we have made. He asked me to say to his supporters: “I appreciate everything you are doing from the bottom of my heart. You will never be forgotten.”

If you have not already done so, I hope you will find it in your heart to make a donation to the NCRJ’s Prisoner Relief Fund. You can send a check (indicate Prisoner Relief Fund) to:

POB 191101
Roxbury MA 02119

You can make a credit-card donation via PayPal or Google here.

I have frequently posted about this case.

This is a brief summary.





Joseph Allen May Go Back to Prison on June 5th

Friday, April 26th, 2013

Many of you are already quite familiar with the Smtih/Allen case. If you need a refresher, the link below (from a post made on 5/12/12) contains a summary of this very complicated case.

There have been some disturbing recent developments.

Judge Burge recused himself from the case. (I suspect this might have been done under duress.) A new judge has been appointed.

The new judge is going to hold a resentencing hearing on June 5th.

Like Nancy Smith, Joseph has applied for clemency. Joseph’s lawyer hopes to keep him free until a decision is made on the clemency petition.

If the judge grants that, he would be free on bond. Bond would most likely be set for $100,000 as it was when Joseph was first released from prison.

If we pay a bondsman, the fee will be 10% or $10,000.

The National Center for Reason and Justice does have a Prisoner Relief Fund for such contingencies. We cannot, however, spare $10,000.

We could if we could get some additional contributions to the fund.

I hope you will consider making a donation to the NCRJ’s Prisoner Relief Fund. The Smith/Allen case is as bad a miscarriage of justice as I have seen.

You can send a check to:

POB 191101
Roxbury MA 02119-1582

Indicate “Prisoner Releif Fund” on your check.

You can also donate online:

Joseph is in terrible danger. I hope you will be able to help us keep him free.

-Bob Chatelle

Nancy Smith’s Hearing Before the Ohio Parole Board

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

The National Center for Reason and Justice have long supported both Nancy Smith and her co-defendant, Joseph Allen.

You can read about the background of today’s hearing here.

Prosecutor Agrees to Commute Nancy Smith’s Sentence

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

Dear Friend of Justice,

My feelings about this are mixed. Dennis Will has always insisted that Smith and Allen are guilty of the non-existent crimes and has vowed to send them both back to prison.

This is the first time he has showed some flexibility.

The basics of the case:

My concern is that the plan is to let Nancy go and to throw Joseph Allen under the bus. Here is some information about Joseph’s plight:

No one has ever denied that Smith and Allen are either both innocent or both guilty, They most both be free and exonerated,

-Bob Chatelle



Joseph Allen Needs Support Affidavits

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

Dear Friend of Justice,

Most of you know about the case of Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen of Lorain, Ohio:

One point everyone agrees on: If Smith and Allen are not both guilty, then they are both innocent.

Nancy Smith has gained the support of the Ohio Innocence Project and they have filed a clemency petition on her behalf.

Joseph Allen has an excellent but very busy pro bono attorney.

Here is a summary of Joseph’s story:

Joseph’s attorney is also working on a clemency petition. He would like affidavits from people who can attest to Joseph’s character. I know many of you have formed a personal relationship with Joseph.

Send a letter to Joseph’s attorney, K. Ronald Bailey. He will turn it into an affidavit and mail it back to you for signature. So be sure to include your mailing address on the letter.

I presume it would be most convenient for mr. Bailey to receive these letters in electronic form. His email address is [email protected].

Thank you for your concern about my good friend, Jospeh Allen.

-Bob Chatelle


Hoping for More Contributions for Joseph Allen’s Clemency Fund

Friday, May 11th, 2012

The response to my plea for funds to help Joseph Allen’s lawyer has been most encouraging. Thank you all so much!

I’m hoping some more of you will consider helping. You can send a check (marked Clemency Fund) to the National Center for Reason and Justice, POB 191101, Roxbury MA 02119. You can also donate via Google or PayPal at the NCRJ web site —

This is a complicated case and difficult to summarize. But I will try.

Smith/Allen Case Summary

On May 7, 1993, in Lorain, Ohio, a young mother – who had been previously convicted of distributing cocaine from her home – took her 4-year-old daughter to the hospital. She claimed that the girl hadn’t gone to Lorain Head Start School that day. She claimed that the bus driver, Nancy Smith, had driven the children on her bus that afternoon to see a man named “Joseph.” Joseph allegedly tied the girl up, taped her eyes, and molested her with a stick.

But the bus odometer showed that Smith had driven her usual route. School records showed that the daughter had been present at school. The aide who rode the bus with Nancy said that nothing unusual had happened that week, And Nancy that afternoon hadn’t even been driving the school bus. She had been driving for a Meals-on-Wheels program. The little girl showed no signs of physical harm.

When police detective Tom Cantu interviewed the mother and daughter, the daughter provided almost no information. He interviewed other children on the bus, who said that they didn’t know a man named Joseph, that Nancy never touched them, and that they liked Nancy.

The accusing mother became upset because the police were finding no information to confirm her story. So she created a moral panic by contacting other Head Start parents, telling them her unfounded accusations, and causing them to aggressively question their own children. She also went to the media, appearing on a local TV station’s newscast. More accusations resulted.

In these accusations, “Joseph” was variously described as white, black, black with white spots, white with black spots.   Several children said he had blue eyes. The first person the accusing mother identified as “Joseph” – the owner of a gay bar ‑ was white. (Joseph Allen, who was eventually convicted with Nancy, is a very dark black man.) Cantu gave Nancy a lie-detector test, which she passed with flying colors. Cantu concluded that there was no case.

The District Attorney’s office, unfortunately, refused to give up. They had the children aggressively and coercively interviewed. On these tapes the children initially deny that any abuse took place. But the interrogators refuse to take no for an answer. Two experts (Dr. Mel Guyer and Dr. Kathleen Quinn) later reviewed the videotapes and affirmed that they contained no evidence of wrongdoing by either Smith or Allen. Dr, Guyer said, “All of the interviews are outrageous, horrible, terrible,,,there is a high incidence of suggestibility. It’s outrageous.” At the trial, the judge refused to allow the jurors to hear these tapes.

Joseph Allen was an unskilled laborer from Alabama, who was preparing to return there because his mother was ill. He was visited by a 15-year-old girl, who was the daughter of a friend, and one or two other girls. During the visit, they stole the keys to Joseph’s car and subsequently took off with it.

Joseph’s problems started when he reported the theft to the police. When the thief was found, she claimed that Joseph had offered her money for sex. Joseph had no money. And if he had done such a thing, he never would have reported the theft to the police.

Joseph, unfortunately, had a conviction for sexual-battery with a minor on his record. The girl’s mother made the accusation after Joseph broke off their relationship. There was no physical or medical evidence against Joseph. Joseph’s lawyer – who would later defend Nancy Smith – advised Joseph to take a plea, and he served three years. Lawyers frequently advise men accused of child sexual abuse to take a plea in order to avoid very long prison terms.

Joseph had also been arrested for murder in 1975. His conviction was voided on appeal and the case was then dropped.

Given what was found on his record, it is not surprising that the Lorain police thought that they had finally found “Joseph.” They thoroughly searched his house and questioned his neighbors. The children had claimed that the abuse took place upstairs and in the basement. Joseph lived in a single-story house with no basement. No neighbor ever saw a yellow school bus parked in the neighborhood.

The Lorain police created a photo lineup including Joseph and five other black men. They showed these photos to ten different children, including the original accuser. If a child identified someone other than Joseph, the police questioned their choice. Even with this improper prompting, only one of the ten children identified Joseph. And this was not the original accuser.

A few days later, the first accusing mother went to the police and said that her daughter could now identify Joseph. By this time, Joseph’s picture had appeared in the newspapers.

Joseph Allen was then put through a live lineup with the children. Most of the children didn’t identify him. Those that did were immediately taken away, Those that didn’t were asked to reconsider or were brought back. The original accuser finally “identified” Allen when her mother grabbed her finger and pointed it at him. Children were coaxed to identify Allen. A child’s failure to identify Allen was attributed to fear — and thus evidence of Allen’s guilt.

Smith and Allen were tried together in July of  1994. The prosecution produced a witness – a bus aide  – who claimed that Joseph had once come on the bus and terrified the children. What the jury never learned was that on June 17, 1993 during the aide’s first interrogation (which was recorded) she said that the black man who had come on the bus was the father of one of the children. During this interview, the aide had also said that neither Nancy nor the children ever talked about a man named Joe of Joseph. After this perjury, the father came forward as a rebuttal witness. But the prosecution discredited him by calling him a criminal.  The aide was the only witness to link Smith and Allen, who to this day have never met.

On August 4, 1994, after six and a half hours of deliberation, the jury found Smith and Allen guilty. Joseph Allen was sentenced to five consecutive life sentences. Nancy Smith was sentenced to 30 to 90 years and ordered to pay the prosecution cost.

In 1995, the Ohio Supreme Court rejected the appeal.

Smith and Allen rotted in prison for years.

In February of 2004, the National Center for Reason and Justice agreed to sponsor the Smith/Allen case. But they were hampered in their efforts to help due to a lack of funds.

Eventually, Nancy Smith’s lawyer found that an error had been made in the sentencing entry in the case. He asked Judge James Burge to bring his client into court for the correction. He hoped that he had found a way to finally reopen the case. Joseph Allen’s lawyer made the same request.

On February 4, 2009, Judge Burge released Nancy Smith on $100,000 bond. A few weeks later, Joseph Allen was released on the same bond. Allen’s family has very little money. Most of the bond fee in his case was paid by the National Center for Reason and Justice.

In June, 2009, Burge called Smith and Allen into his court and acquitted both of them.

This should have ended the case. But prosecutors never give up. They challenged Burge’s right to acquit.

In late June of 2010, the Appeals Court ruled that Nancy’s acquittal will stand, but Joseph would have to go back to prison. The reason: in 1994, Joseph’s incompetent public defender had neglected to file the routine motion for acquittal. The prosecution appealed the Smith ruling.

In April of 2011, the Ohio Supreme Court rules unanimously that Burge did not have the right to acquit Smith and Allen. They were asked to reconsider. The ruling was not changed, but two of the justices did change their minds and say that Burge did have the right to acquit.

And then – nothing happened. Smith and Allen were not called back to Court to be resentenced to prison.

Almost a year later, I heard that Dateline was planning to do a full hour segment about the case. I called Joseph to ask what was going on. He knew nothing about it.

Joseph was ignored and bad-mouthed on Dateline.

Shortly after the Dateline program aired, Nancy’s lawyer – with the assistance of the Ohio Innocence Project – filed a massive appeal for clemency for Nancy.

Either Smith and Allen are both innocent or they are both guilty. Unlike the Ohio Innocence project, the National Center for Reason and Justice has always supported both of them.

Joseph Allen has become a good personal friend. We corresponded for years while he was in prison. And we get together when he is in Boston visiting family. He is a sweet and generous man. He has no sexual interest in children.

Joseph has an excellent lawyer, who has always worked pro bono. He has absorbed all legal expenses out of his own pocket. He is currently working on a petition for Joseph. That is why the National Center for Reason and Justice wants to help him. We hope that you will consider helping as well by contributing to their Clemency Fund.

Please send a check (marked Clemency Fund) to the National Center for Reason and Justice, POB 191101, Roxbury MA 02119. You can also donate via Google or PayPal at the NCRJ web site —

Joseph Allen and Nancy Smith must both be freed and allowed to get on with their lives.

Please Help Joseph Allen File for Clemency

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Dear Friend of Justice,

Most of you know, that I am a longtime supporter of Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen, who were falsely accused and wrongfully convicted in Lorain Ohio back in the 90s.

I have made a great many postings about this case.

While Joseph and Nancy are equally innocent, Nancy has been somewhat more fortunate in her access to resources.

For example, three years ago, Nancy’s family and supporters were able to post bail for her.

Joseph’s family could only put together a few hundred dollars. The National Center for Reason and Justice was able to post Joseph’s bond. That cost $10,000.

And most of that money came from you, the readers of this blog.

Nancy Smith’s attorney has already filed her clemency petition. Joseph’s lawyer is working on his. But he could use some financial help.

Joseph’s attorney thus far has done all of the legal work pro bono. All expenses — and they have been considerable — have come out of his own pocket.

My hope is to raise at least $5,000 to help him a little.

I’m hoping some of you will join my efforts. You can send a check (made out to NCRJ) and mail it to

POB 191101
Roxbury MA 02119-1582

Just note “Clemency Fund” on your check.

You can also make a credit-card donation via PayPal or Google at the NCRJ site:

This is a particular nasty miscarriage of justice. We must not rest until Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen are permanently free and cleared.



NBC Dateline Program on Smith/Allen now Online

Monday, April 9th, 2012

I plan to watch this tonight. The posting is in six parts.


Head Start Case Reminder

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

Dear Friend of Justice,

Just a reminder — NBC Dateline is doing a one-hour show about the Smith/Allen case tonight at seven p.m. Eastern.

We have a television. But we don’t have cable. And our reception is terrible. Thus I will be watching the show only after it goes online.

I am, however, interested in what others think about the show. You can leave a comment here or email me at [email protected].


Lorain Morning Journal on the Dateline Program

Friday, April 6th, 2012