Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Great Article on the Keller Case

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

I urge you to read this excellent article in the current Austin Chronicle about the Dan and Fran Keller case.

This is one of the many cases sponsored by the National Center for Reason and Justice.

-Bob Chatelle

Koobface Problem Solved

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

One of the nasty things Koobface did to me was to install a bogus proxy server. I figured out how to disable it.

I endorse the death penalty for people who create crap like this.


Invite a Friend to Subscribe

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

Dear Friend of Justice,

When I switched from the mailing list to this blog, I lost a number of subscribers. Perhaps some of them no longer wished to follow these issues. I have no problem with that.

But I would like to reach a few more people. Do you know someone who might be interested? If so, please send them the address of the blog and invite them to subscribe.

Many Thanks,

Bob Chatelle

Dubious Priest Accusations and Convictions

Saturday, June 28th, 2008

Dear Friend of Justice,

My organization — the National Center for Reason and Justice — currently sponsors the cases of two imprisoned Catholic priests: Gordon MacRae and Paul Shanley. We have, from time to time, been contacted by other priests and their advocates but haven’t had the resources to investigate the cases.

I recall reading about many cases in the media that sounded very doubtful, especially those cases where “repressed memories” have been alleged. Unfortunately, I did not make note of these cases.

Recently I was contacted by a journalist who is interested in doing an article about falsely accused or wrongfully convicted priests. If you know of any dubious cases, please contact me at [email protected].


Welcome to the Friends of Justice Blog

Sunday, February 10th, 2008

Dear Friend of Justice,

For many years I have operated Friends of Justice as a mailing list. But I have decided to try to migrate it to a blog.

For one thing, a blog is free and the mailing list is not. For another, I think a blog will be more convenient for the subscribers.

If you look to the right, you will see two ways of subscribing. You may choose one or both. (Or you may choose to just check in on this blog from time to time without subscribing.) But I hope most of you will choose to subscribe.

Once your subscription is confirmed, I will remove you from the old FOJ mailing list.

If you choose to subscribe by email, you will receive the posts by email as you always have.

If you already subscribe to a number of blogs, you may prefer to subscribe via a reader, such as Google Reader. If you don’t know what a reader is, you probably don’t want this option.

During the transition period, which may last a few months, I will use the old FOJ mailing list to alert you to new blog posts.

Thank you for your continuing concern for justice.

-Bob Chatelle