Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Please Send a Holiday Card to a Prisoner

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

Every year I send out this list of prisoners, hoping that they will receive some holiday cards. Most of the people on this list are innocent; some are not. But all are deserving of kindness.

This year I was very pleased to remove six people no longer in prison — the San Antonio Four and Dan and Fran Keller.

But it made me very sad to have to add the name of Joseph Allen, who has spent the last four Christmases in freedom. I especially hope that joseph gets some nice cards this year.

In any case, here is the list. Please let me know if there are corrections I should make.

Major NCRJ Victory Imminent! San Antonio Four May Soon be Freed!

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Here is the post from the NCRJ web site:

This is a major development. Please share the NCRJ’s post far and wide: Facebook, Twitter, your blogs, other social media, etc.

Here’s wishing the best for these four fine young women.


The National Center for Reason and Justice is Now on Twitter

Monday, October 21st, 2013

Please follow us.

Joseph Allen is Going Back to Prison

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Today is a very sad day for me. At one p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time)  my friend Joseph Allen — an innocent man — will be sent back to prison by Judge Virgil Sinclair. He may never be free again.

The case is complicated and impossible to summarize in a few sentences. Nancy Smith was a driver for the Head Start program in Lorain Ohio. In 1993, a disturbed woman claimed that Nancy was driving her pre-schoolers to the home of a man named Joseph who would then sadistically abuse them sexually. At the time, national hysteria over sexual abuse at daycares was still raging. At first, the case went nowhere because there was no evidence to back up the accusations and much evidence against them. But the woman went to the media and caused a panic.

Eventually Joseph Allen was arrested. While Joseph was originally identified as white, Joseph Allen is a very black man. To this day, Joseph Allen and Nancy Smith have never met. The only witness to link them very obviously committed perjury.

Over months, children were cajoled into testifying. Smith and Allen were convicted in August of 1994. Smith was sentenced to 30-90 years. Joseph received 5 consecutive life sentences.

For a more detailed account, read this article I wrote about the case with Dr. Emily Horowitz.

Early in 2009, Smith and Allen were back in court due to a sentencing error that needed to be corrected. The judge assigned to the case — James Burge — took the time to examine the record. He quickly realized that the case against Smith and Allen was bogus. In June of 2009, he acquitted them both. And in a decent  world, that would have ended the matter.

But prosecutors have to be right — especially when they are wrong.

Acquittals are supposed to be final. Nevertheless, prosecutors appealed the acquittals and “won” before the Ohio Supreme Court in April of 2011.

And then nothing more happened for a very long time. By this time the press and most of the public had realized that the Smith/Allen case was a cruel and gross miscarriage of justice. Prosecutors realized that pressing their advantage could come at a political cost.

But forces hostile to Smith and Allen were at work.

In April of this year, Judge Burge was forced off the case and Virgil Sinclair was appointed to replace him.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys worked out a deal. Smith and Allen would be convicted of lesser charges and sentenced to time served. In exchange, they would give up their rights permanently to appeal their cases.

Sinclair accepted the arrangement for Nancy Smith. But he insisted that Joseph Allen go back to prison. And give up his appeal rights. His sentenced will be reduced to 15-25 years.

Now I don’t possess Sinclair’s brilliant legal mind. But he seems to believe that the crimes that Joseph Allen didn’t commit were far more serious than the ones Nancy Smith didn’t commit.

I have had phone conversations with Joseph almost every day for the past couple of weeks while he struggled over whether or not to accept this horrible deal.

Yesterday, he phoned me to tell me he was going to go along with it.


An appeal would be very expensive. (Although I’m confident that the National Center for Reason and Justice (NCRJ) would have committed itself to raising the money.) But given the record of the Ohio Appellate Court and the Ohio Supreme Court, Joseph could never have won in Ohio. The deck was stacked against him. He might well have prevailed in federal court. But it would have taken many years to get there.

Joseph Allen will receive no relief from the parole board or the governor. He has already served closed to 15 years, so at least he should be out in ten more years. The NCRJ will do everything it can to support him while he is back in prison.

So once again the bullies have showed us who runs the school yard.

Why do they keep getting away with this crap?

One reason is that no one ever pays a price — political or otherwise — for causing and perpetrating injustice.

As citizens, we cannot continue to condemn wrongdoing and reward it at the same time.

I expect to post more about Joseph after today’s hearing is behind us.

-Bob Chatelle







Man Granted New Trial in Child Sexual Abuse Case

Friday, August 16th, 2013

Dedicated defense attorney Ron Kuby has handled other cases sponsored by the NCRJ, including that of wrongfully convicted Jesse Friedman.

Harvey Silverglate on the Aaron Swartz Suicide

Friday, January 25th, 2013

Harvey Silverglate is on the Advisory Board of the National Center for Reason and Justice.

“The ill-considered prosecution leading to the suicide of computer prodigy Aaron Swartz is the most recent in a long line of abusive prosecutions coming out of the U.S. attorney’s office in Boston, representing a disastrous culture shift. It sadly reflects what’s happened to the federal criminal courts, not only in Massachusetts but across the country.”

It’s Not Too Late…

Thursday, December 27th, 2012

…to get a tax-deduction for your year-end gift to the National Center for Reason and Justice.

Again, here is the appeal letter:

Click here to donate.


Please Send a Card to a Prisoner

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

Dear Friend of Justice,

This is the most difficult time of the year for those — innocent or guilty — who are behind bars.

Prisoners always love to receive mail. Some — too many — are forgotten and receive little or none. They are especially appreciative at this time of year.

Here is a list of a few addresses:

I hope you will find it in your heart to include a few on your holiday list.

-Bob Chatelle

Excellent Article About the DSM

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

Dear Friend of Justice,

I just wanted to share this:


The NCRJ Needs Your Help

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

Dear Friend of Justice,

In 1994, Elizabeth Ramirez was 19 years old. For years, she had been spurning the sexual advances of a man in whom she had no interest. For one thing, Elizabeth is a lesbian. For another, this man was involved in a relationship with Elizabeth’s sister and they had three children together.  Often, Elizabeth would babysit these children.

After one visit, two of these children accused Elizabeth and three of her lesbian friends of sexually abusing them. I believe these accusations were coerced by the father.  It was not the first time that this man had made an unfounded accusation of sexual abuse.

There was no credible or reliable evidence presented against the four young women at trial, which was tainted with extreme homophobia. One of the two alleged victims has since recanted her accusation, asserting that she was forced to make it.

You can read about this case here.

These four young women languished in prison for many years without hope. The National Center for Reason and Justice is now sponsoring this case, and we are making progress. We have found them an excellent lawyer. But we need money to achieve justice.

The lawyer would like to garner public support for the women’s innocence by having Elizabeth take a polygraph test. Hewants to use an expert who usually charges $3,500. In this instance, he is willing to reduce it to $2,200.  If Elizabeth agrees, the NCRJ will pay the bill,  even though our financial resources are very limited.

The NCRJ relies entirely on the contributions of individual donors. We have one fund-raising drive a year, which is going on right now. Many of you have already contributed, or have contributed in the past. If you have contributed this year, our sincere thanks once again. If you have not, please do so in order that we can help along this case and the others that we sponsor. Contributions are tax-deductible.

Pleae make out your check to NCRJ and mail it to NCRJ, POB 191101, Roxbury MA 02119. Or you can donate via PayPal or Google Checkout at the NCRJ web site:

Thank you for your support.

-Bob Chatelle