Ten Reasons I Won’t Vote for Martha Coakley

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

While at the Middlesex DA’s office:

  • She prosecuted (using questionable tactics) two grandparents, Ray and Shirley Souza, falsely accused of abusing their grandchildren. Evidence in the case is now known to be unreliable, but Coakley stands by the conviction.
  • She overcharged Louise Woodward, a nanny accused of murdering a child in her care. The medical evidence was weak and highly flawed, but conviction is easy when a child has died. Coakley secured the conviction, but the judge changed the verdict to manslaughter and sentenced Woodward to time served. Coakley’s main expert has since recanted his testimony, but Coakley still touts the case as a major victory.
  • After the parole board unanimously recommended commutation of his sentence, Coakley orchestrated a disinformation campaign and successfully lobbied a weak governor (Jane Swift) to keep Gerald Amirault in prison until the parole board was able to release him two years later without executive interference.
  • She obstructed the release of innocent men subsequently freed on DNA evidence.

As Massachusetts Attorney General

  • She signed an amicus brief supporting the execution of a Georgia man with an IQ of 60.
  • She advocated for total immunity for prosecutors who framed two innocent African Americans in Iowa for a murder they did not commit.
  • She argued (albeit ineptly) in the US Supreme Court in support of a law that unconstitutionally infringed the Sixth Amendment rights of defendants.
  • She helped draft an anti-obscenity law that was invalidated by a federal judge that stated that it “without question” violated the First Amendment.
  • She tried to deny compensation to Bernard Baran — an innocent victim of homophobic hysteria — and eventually forced him to accept less than was his due. Coakley is still fighting Baran — who was exonerated by the Appeals Court and eventually compensated by the state as a wrongfully convicted person — opposing his reasonable request to have his record expunged.

Finally and Perhaps Most Importantly

  • Voters, unfortunately, have little concern about injustice. They believe it can’t happen to them or to those they care about — until it does. But as Governor, Coakley could and probably would elevate to the bench men and women insensitive to the problem of prosecutorial misconduct. Governor Patrick has made some fine appointments, including appointments to the Supreme Judicial Court. If we give her the chance, Governor Coakley could very well undo his good work.

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5 Responses to “Ten Reasons I Won’t Vote for Martha Coakley”

  1. NIck says:

    I once contacted Coakley’s office for help (was sent to her by the governor’s office) and never got the courtesy of a reply. A friend of mine once contacted her office in tears, seeking help regarding a letter that a friend had left her after committing suicide, which the police refused to release. She never got a response either. My sense is that Coakley is all about Coakley. Eveything she does or doesn’t do is geared to her furthering herself, making herself look good, not geared to public service. Even if her office has “priorities” and can’t take on everything, responses to emails and phone calls aren’t impossible. I won’t vote for her, period.

    • NIck says:

      Wanted to add: I contacted her office for help regarding a slew of false restraining orders that I had dealt with for three years, all from the same individual, all vacated by judges, with monetary damages for legal expenses being awarded to me, yet with my accuser (a former neighbor, never a love interest) still free to go to domestic violence groups, tell the most outrageous lies, and do this to me again and again. God forbid that Ms. Coakley should have responded to my asking for help, as she’d appear to be soft on domestic violence.

  2. […] for an undisclosed sum. He should have received $500,000 from the state, but Attorney General Martha Coakley had the audacity to try to deny him any compensation. (Coakley is from western Massachusetts and […]

  3. […] and makes such appalling arguments for the destruction of civil liberties that she is routinely laughed out of court by hard-bitten conservative justices? If Massachusetts elects a power-hungry power worshipper like […]

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